(This is a 'Transformation' based blog for the posting of my personal works "XXX fictional caps" & my fantasies involving Gender Bending, M2F & Female to Futa/Dickgirl, Bimbo/Slut, Cartoonification/Flattening themes, Inanimate & Hentai TF's, that are usually forced/revenge themed.)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Updates & Blah, Blah's.......


Nope I'm not dead nor' have I abandoned the blog but have been on vaca & extremely busy 'offline' but will be adding new content over the weekend as well as finishing up some stuff I've been meaning to post. :3 ~

Starting to wonder if I should keep everything on this blog or try a new hosting site for my stuff since ALOT of old TG/TF cappers I know are using twitter etc etc now instead of blogspot? 

Hmmmmmm, decisions decisions.....;3 ~


  1. Hey sweetie condom *wink* I can't wait to see what you got cookin, but on the subject of place, I personally prefer your caps here on the sexy blog, but is up to you~

  2. I like your stuff on here, though it really is up to you! I've seen others using tumblr sites and I've followed a few links to deviantart, but I haven't seen any go to Twitter. I feel like Twitter's got a bit too many rules for this kind of content.

    Looking forward to your next posts sweetness! <3

    Also, Jessie I'm guessing you never noticed my reply to you on Candy's last post.

    1. OH! So sorry, I've been derpy lately with final coming so I forgot to check Miss Natalie, plz forgive me! *giggles*

  3. Yeah, Candy... what they said! BUt, if you do feel the need to set up on another platform, I could see wordpress or tumblr being a better fit waaaaay before twitter. (But, I am kind of old-fashioned in that respect.)

    Anyhow, I'll be keeping an eye peeled - and a hand at the ready - for your upcoming additions!


  4. Tumblr would be a great place to see your content ;-)

  5. Wutever works 4 you - IMHO here is good, plus theres tag history ect.

    But if u want a change just let us know before u go!

  6. gostosa,deliciosa loira,,quero chupar todinhas,e enfiar esse pau que estรก muito duro aqui,nu e no jeito aqui..beijos bela....


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